Bad Coffee

Vance Larson
2 min readJun 10, 2024


Sometimes a good cup of coffee can turn your whole day around. But what happens when you’re looking forward to that coffee, and it turns out to be nothing more than a cup of sludge? It can have the same effect on us. But here’s the thing…don’t let it.

Wife and I go out every Monday morning for a little coffee and water time. It’s a way of getting our heads straight for the week. It also allows for us to connect in a meditative way, which is very important to us. Today while out for coffee, I ended up with that cup of sludge. I kind of shrugged it off. Then wife reminded me that yesterday, my coffee experience was bad as well. Rats! She was right. But despite the bad coffee, it was a beautiful day. There was so much to be thankful for. And that leads me to the flip side of bad coffee.

The truth is, we are going to have a lot of bad coffee in our time. But bad coffee doesn’t mean a bad day. Yes when it clicks, it can feel like pure magic. But when it doesn’t, it’s not tragic. Just keep on keeping on. Life is a garden. You got to dig it. {Joe Dirt reference.} No but really, we’re not going to always have favorable conditions. Don’t let the little things become big things.

So today was bad coffee. And so was yesterday. But despite not getting what I want, I have all that I need. And that’s enough to overlook bad coffee any day.



Vance Larson

I am a retired crisis counselor of 20 years. I share my experiences {both personal and professional} about thought provoking subjects. Follow me.