Beep Beep MF
There was a time, when I used to work alongside of a nonstop talking coworker. This coworker would commonly interject themself in other peoples business. So much so, that they were constantly unhinged. Then one day they asked me, “How are you so chill? While it is true, it is rare that I have an off day. I am pretty much the most laid back person you would meet. And the reason why I am so chill is, I stay in my lane. So I told them, I would call them out when I saw them jumping their lane.
I remember I over heard a conversation that they were not invited into. I looked at them and said, “Beep beep mother fucker”. They knew exactly what I was talking about. They quickly got back in their lane. I just smiled and gave them a wink.
I wonder how many people concern themselves with unnecessary shit? First of all, other peoples lanes are more congested. Secondly, they determine the speed of the lane. And lastly, you will get lost as fuck. You don’t know where the lane will take you. Why run the risk of going in the wrong direction? Surely we’ve all spent time with someone who has taken us down the wrong road. Trust that some roads aren’t worth traveling.
All I am saying is, we can choose peace or panic. My lane is peaceful. Their lane…who knows. And I refuse to carry the weight of some bullshit comment or problem they have, just because I crossed the lane out of curiosity. We all know what happened to that cat.
The next time you feel like you need to know, ask yourself is it a need, or is it a want? Either way, it is smooth sailing in my lane. So beep beep mother fucker.