Divorcing April
That’s what the attorney told me. That ain’t happening. This was the second time April had applied for disability. Denied again. So we contacted a lawyer. She told us, that I made too much money. So I should divorce her, in order for her to get SSDI. What type of bullshit system is this? She paid into the system for years. Yet, because I make a decent buck, she doesn’t qualify. Unfair!
A few weeks ago, our house almost burned to the ground. I had been smelling burning electrical wires for weeks. On this particular day, April called me at work and said that she could smell it, and that it was bad. The electrician came out {actually 5 of them} and fixed the problem. $7200.00 later, the melting fuse boxes and wiring were replaced. We’re up and running again. I had the wife call the insurance company, and they said we should have let the house burn down. In other words, $7200.00 cash gone. Another fucked up situation.
So what is my point? There are going to be many times in our lives where we are going to be treated unfairly. What we do with that unfairness is key. Many of our problems do not originate in our minds. But many times we let them stay there. I don’t let these events sour me. I let them power me. I use that unfairness to level up. Meditation has taught me that. Happiness is a choice.
April has been though 8 life altering surgeries. She cannot work. Will be on pain medication for the rest of her life. Essentially, had to relearn to walk again. But she doesn’t complain. {Toughest chick I know.} And continues to see beauty in life. She makes the best of it. And somewhere along the way, she still manages to keep me inspired. Life should not be this way. But we stand and deal.
Working in human services and mental health my entire life, I see unfairness happen on just about a daily basis. And do you know what the difference between a victim and a survivor is? Mentality. It all start’s in the mind. And brother, if you can look up, you better get up. Because no one is coming to save you.
As far as me divorcing April? Yeah, that shit ain’t happening…in this life or the next. We can still win, even when life is working against us. At the first sign of things not going your way, remember you decide if you’re going to respond or react to it. And if you give it attention, you’re giving your power away. Not every loss is a loss. And when you embody that, you will win every time.