Everyday Is Beautiful
Everyday is beautiful if you choose to see it. That’s a quote from Ziggler. I saw it this morning on social media. And that got me to thinking, why do so many of us choose not to? I get it. Some of us have been through some really traumatic days. But many of us have not, and choose to see the world as dark and cold. Let me tell you a secret. You will find in the world what you carry in your heart.
I would never dare to minimize anyone’s journey. After 36 years in mental health, I have learned that lesson. But why do some who have seen the most horrific things, still enjoy this dance of life, while others do not? It’s a fair question. It’s a question of holding onto outdated belief systems, and childhood programing that is not serving us. We have tremendous power. Why aren’t we running towards it like it’s the very oxygen that we need?
I told this story years ago. A women came to see me for hypnosis. During her intake, she told me that she had brain and stomach cancer, and her prognosis wasn’t good. To which I asked, “so we’re here to do some relaxation exercises to ease the process?” She had this bewildered look on her face and said, “No, I’m going on vacation next month, and I want to lose some weight, so I look good for my husband in my bathing suit.” Boom! Everyday is beautiful if you choose to see it.
A few years ago, I lost my daughter. On top of that, my wife was going through a series of life altering surgeries, that ultimately left her permanently disabled. She will never be able to work again. Throw in losing everything, I mean everything {all money and our houses}… we were broke and displaced. Fast forward, we got most of it back, but over the past few months, I lost my brother, father and aunt. My point is this. It is possible to find beauty in every day. And if you can’t find beauty, lean into gratitude.
I have had to stand over way too many bodies in my life. From my 20 years working with HIV/AIDS, in a time where there wasn’t a cure, to many family and friends here recently. And for me, every single time I thought, thank you. Thank you for your part in my life. Thank you for the experience. It is easy to go dark, but it is so rewarding {and healing} to lean into that gratitude. It helps you from being stuck. By all means grieve. But don’t live there. One day will be my last. I hope that those I leave behind, go on and live amazing adventurous lives. If they manage to think about me from time to time, that is more than enough.
I honor those who I have lost. But I know that they are not lost, for they helped to form me. And what a beautiful affirmation to life that is. So go and live. There will be bad days ahead of you. And my hope for you today, is that you will be there giving thanks and knowing that everyday is beautiful if you choose to see it.