Freeze Frame
It’s just too good. Sometimes you find yourself in a moment that is so surreal, so mystical, that all you can do is accept it. But your first instinct is to grab your camera. It’s a trap. It will get lost in translation. The moment will lose the energy. This is not one for the photo books. This is your freeze frame. So, let’s get into it.
I have been writing for a few decades now. I mostly do it to inspire, and as a form of meditation. And on occasion, I whored myself out to make a couple of bucks. Either way, I have always liked the process of writing. Writing is a journey. If a picture is worth a thousand words. Then a book or blog is worth ten thousand. And here is why. Some things are meant to be felt. The vision may be nice, but the feeling is priceless.
There have been times in my life, that I immediately understood that I was in a freeze frame. The wife and I used to be avid hikers {before she became disabled.} We would be out once, if not twice a week getting lost in nature. And some times, we would just walk into what felt like an energy bubble, that was created just for us. You stop and sit. No words, conversation or pictures. You just take it in, and slowly become part of that moment. Freeze frame.
If I have learned one thing over the course of a lifetime of meditating, is that it all serves a purpose. Let the ego die. Enjoy the journey, and stop trying to control the outcome. Forget about the destination. Be in the world, instead of on it…sort of thing.
I recall this one time while hiking, the way my wife looked with the sun hitting her through the leaves on a cool fall day. I was left speechless. Straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting. We now live in a sleepy little beach town in Delaware, and we spend many a days just sitting and looking at the water. These are freeze frame moments. Sure, I take a lot of these pictures. But there are times where I don’t. And this is usually a time where both my wife and I have entered the freeze frame. We have whole conversations without speaking a word. It is like energetically we are pulled by some mystical force and have lost the ability to have a verbal exchange. There really is no other way to describe it.
There is a whole world out there just waiting to impress you. But you have to be open to receive. You have to let life catch up to you. You have to open your eyes and put down the phone. I promise you that there are moments that are created just for you.
Slow down. Allow yourself to be impressed by the simple things in life. Stop taking it all for granted. So when that freeze frame comes, you simply enjoy it. It is not one for the photo album. It is not to be posted on social media. It is for you. Created for you. It is your gift. It is your freeze frame.