
Vance Larson
2 min read6 days ago


I have been thinking about closing down my FaceBook page, as well as most social media. I was going to keep Linkedin, for that by far has been where I’ve made the most money, as well as meaningful connections. Don’t get me wrong, I have made some very deep connections on FB as well. And those deep connections, well…they all have my personal number. And while I am the worlds worst at returning phone calls, I do eventually get back to you. So, goodbye?

Not just yet. I’ve meditated on it and decided I will stay for the time being. I’m not one of those people who does some grand announcement, saying that they are leaving or taking a break from social media. The thought process was to be more deliberate with my time and interactions. But here’s the thing. I would generally miss a lot of your post. We’ve built this entire ecosystem of connectivity. I truly do care about how many of you are doing. Could I do without all the BS that comes along with social media? Absolutely! But truth be told, social media is just a microcosm of the world. And I happen to love the world, despite all the injustice that resides in it.

So, no goodbye today. I am sure that day will eventually come. And you know what? Just like any relationship that ends, both parties will go on. And that’s a beautiful thing. While some will struggle with that, others will not. We’ve all been there. You just know it’s over. So you pack your shit, and jet.

The take away from all of this is price. What price am I willing to pay being connected to social media? The reality? Not much. I have been at such a good place in my life for years, that the excitement has worn off. Yes, it still holds value. Yes, I will continue to interact. But I live at the beach, have a bomb ass wife, and have an amazing job that truly does make a difference. That is where I love to get lost. I am so incredibly blessed.

So enjoy your weekend. May you find your blessings too.



Vance Larson

I am a retired crisis counselor of 20 years. I share my experiences {both personal and professional} about thought provoking subjects. Follow me.