You know all those things you said you were going to do January 1st? You should do them. Too many people are unforgiving of themselves when they don’t produce. But here’s the thing. You’re not going to hit it out of the park most days. Just get to the plate, and then take a swing.
I’m in the gym 365 days a year. I’m working out while most people are sleeping. I do this for me. I know that once I leave the house {most days before 7:00 am} it’s no longer my time. So by starting my day at 4:00 in the morning, I have sent myself message that I am my most important investment. If you know me in real life, you know just how much I give of myself. So I focus on my dedication. To me, my wife and my spiritual practice.
I often say that there are 2 things that I strongly dislike. Meditation and working out. Ironically, I do both everyday…and have for as long as I can remember. When I was extremely ill many years ago, I promised myself that if I got better, I would never take it for granted. So I grind. Day in and day out. I am pushing 60. And I am determined to finish this life strong.
Don’t make a plan. Don’t talk about it. Don’t over think your goals. Jump! Why wait for the new year? Why wait to get sick, to try and get well? Why didn’t you tell that special someone, that you love them? Procrastination is the equivalent to masturbation. You’re just fucking yourself. It’s funny, but it’s true.
All that negative programming that we received from unsupportive people, it can be undone. All that negative thinking that we do, can be overridden. But you have to grind. The days that you’re feeling it the most, are the days when you need to grind the most. That’s how we reverse our programming. We disrupt it with positivity. On the days when you would normally quit, just do something. A small step will reinforce your dedication.
Did you know that it only take 66 days {on average} to form a new habit? I know most of us believe that it takes 3 weeks, but the studies show us otherwise. Even so, 66 days is not a big ask. Why aren’t we asking that of ourselves? Let’s break it down another way. Safe and healthy weight loss is 1–2 pounds a week. Doesn’t sound like much. But let’s go with 1 pound. That’s 52 pounds a year. 2 pounds. Over 100 pounds a year. Little actions added up, cause big results.
So you missed the new year. You failed that last test. Unsuccessful in your last relationship. Don’t let a bad experience become a bad habit. Take a step. You can even settle for a small step. Just step. You know…the journey of a thousand miles kind of thing. A single step can refocus our minds. And we should do it the minute we realize that we are in the middle of a set back, or feeling defeated. Action is where we gain traction.
So, you know all those things you said you were going to do January 1st? Time to grind.