Invisible Pain. Invisible God.
I was meditating yesterday, when I had something come up. Most everyone knows that I have spent my entire life working in mental health. I have seen so many people pass judgement on someone, without knowing the whole story. {Even knowing the whole story, who the fuck are you to judge?} When someone is in a hospital bed, we assume there is something wrong. We see someone wearing a cast we think, they must have a broken bone. When someone parks in a handicapped parking space, and jumps out of the car without any problem. We think WTF? Well the reality is, just because we don’t see it, doesn’t mean it is not real. Let’s get into it…
They say seeing is believing. It’s not. Feeling is. Let me reframe that for you. You have a headache. You can’t see the pain, but you know it’s real. People carry things and we have no idea they are being weighed down. Some of us extend kindness. Others of us do not. Just because we don’t know or feel what they are going through, doesn’t mean it is not real. Let’s take it a step further. Oh God…Yeah, here it comes.
God. You can’t see Him or Her. Does that mean God is not real? I have never seen God, but I have felt God. Do I believe in the God that is presented in all the religious text? {I’ve read them all in my day.} Of course not. To me that is fairytale shit. I don’t mean to minimize or offend. That just does not resonate with me. Still, I haven’t seen God, but I have felt immense love and gratitude for life. I have been judged my entire life for my beliefs. I don’t give a fuck. I would never judge your “God” experience. Because if that is what you feel, then it is real for you. I cannot judge the invisible.
So, tonight I am talking about judgement. Feelings are not facts. And just because you feel something doesn’t make it right. However, if it is right for you, I will hold that space for you. I cannot see your pain. But I know everyone is carrying something. And for that reason alone, I will always lead with kindness. Are there people that wear their pain like a badge of honor? Sure. Are there people that abuse the system? I see it everyday. The point is, that I will not cut into you no matter what I think. Because thinking is what fucks us. Feeling is what frees us. Stop judging. It is time to be free.