My Opinions Are Right

Vance Larson
2 min readApr 22, 2024

My opinions are right. And I know it. I also know that they are right for me at this time in my life, and that more than likely they will change. Just as yours probably have. So therein lies the problem. What’s right for me, is not necessarily right for you. And vice versa. And yet here we are getting upset with one another. Over feelings. And feelings aren’t facts. We need to understand this.

One of the things I am most proud of is my circle. I have spoke about it in the past. My circle consist of politicians, porn stars, police to felons. My best friend {other than my wife} is 20 years older than me and on the other side of the political fence. My job requires me to help people, that many would not even consider human…as fucked up as that is.

When I was a chaplain and working with inmates, I worked with some really bad people. But guess what. They had opinions and they were right too. My job was not to convince them that they are wrong. My job was to meet them where they were at. And this is how we change the world. We offer basic human decency. We have got to let go of the illusion that “my way is the right way”. Because it is…for you. Not for everyone else.

We need to stop shaming, bullying and trying to change other people. I have people in my circle who have {in my view} grotesque opinions. It is possible to be kind and be friends with someone who has an entirely different belief system as you. Just as your beliefs will change, allow some grace to those who are changing as well. And if you’re not changing {let alone to refuse to look at someone else’s truth}, you aren’t growing. Both fear and ego have their hooks in you.

So here we are. You can say what you want to me, but my opinions are right…for me. And yours for you. And if we can agree on that, we can get on with our individual growth. And who knows. Maybe we’ll get to a place where we’re not looking at who is right. But what is right. And that is how we change the world.



Vance Larson

I am a retired crisis counselor of 20 years. I share my experiences {both personal and professional} about thought provoking subjects. Follow me.