I care, I just don’t let it affect me. My reboot time is pretty impressive. And for that reason, people can think that I’m insensitive. But the reboot, is actually what has not only given me longevity in my career {38 years in mental health}. But also is the main factor in my laidback attitude. Do I have bad days? Yeah. Do they get the best of me? Never!
Let’s talk about the reboot. Life is so much easier when we let shit slide. Slide doesn’t mean stuck. In fact, it is the opposite. When you let shit slide, you no longer give it any importance. It will no longer rent space in your head. Free yourself and slide out of the problematic environment. Including people. Slide, glide, or take a ride. Just get away from them. Why subject yourself to bullshit over and over again?
When I was younger, some would call me selfish. As I got older, I realized that it was just good self care. Just because I left you, doesn’t mean I don’t like you. It means that I like myself more, and I will do anything to protect my mental health. Does that make me selfish? No! But I don’t care if it does. Dare to put yourself first. Watch how many people drop out of your life. Then wait…
Wait until the right people fall into your life. If like attracts like. Healthy attracts healthy. And you get healthy when you have a quick reboot. Nothing weighing you down. Nothing heavy in your heart. Your mind is clear. Your intentions are pure. Your reboot has saved you.
So here you are. It’s time to get healthy. Don’t let pain, people or the past keep you from your goal. It’s time for a reboot. Are you ready to be free?