You can run towards your fears. Or, you can run away. You can let your thoughts run you. Or, you can run them. There are so many things you can accomplish, and all you have to do is run.
I run for many reasons. But the biggest is because lack of movement will kill you. I’m not talking about rest. I’m talking about getting your ass in gear, and going for it. On the train tracks? Move! It’s a simple concept. It’s what a life time of meditating has taught me. Movement is fulfilment.
Since the start of time, we have had hunters and gathers. Note that both require movement. Why? Because you have to go out and get what is yours. You have to go out and make a life. Landed in the wrong tribe? Move! Don’t let unproductive people keep you down. And this is not about judgement. This is about becoming all you were meant to be.
I am a big fan of rest. That is because rest leads to my best. I refuse to stay stagnant. The still water maybe beautiful. But the running water is powerful. It truly is all about movement. So run. Run like your life depended on it. It does. You can sit and exist. But if you want to succeed, you’re going to have to speed…up the pace to a run.
Take a rest if you must. But do not get comfortable. Take risk. Be wild. Get out of your comfort zone. Don’t wait. Do not hesitate. Happiness is waiting for you down the road. Run to it.