Shot Out Shoes

Vance Larson
2 min readFeb 25, 2024


The other day at work, I had my feet up on the desk. A coworker made a comment about my tennis shoes looking all raggedy. Indeed, my shoes were shot out. Still presentable, but not in top form. Hey, I paid my fashion dues. At 58, I am all about the comfort. I have zero fucks to give about how I look now a days. Let’s get into it…

We age. We get older. We place meaning on things that matter. {At least I did.} I have always been a laid back cat, dancing to a different drum. But I was mindful of social norms. Didn’t care as much as most, but didn’t want to stand so far out, that I couldn’t socialize. Game changed.

Today, I sit at some very impressive tables. My inner circle his tight and doing very important work on a global stage. But the one true common denominator? Everyone one is their authentic self. Unapologetically mind you. There is a freedom that comes with age. Not all opt for this freedom, but many do. And I love that. No mask, no persona, just the real you. Bravo!

My life looks very different than most. But it makes sense to me. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. For that reason, I dress for comfort. Live for comfort. And speak my truth, so that there is not any misunderstandings down the road. There is so much less drama when we are who we are.

Yeah, I often wear shot out shoes. I live at the beach, so the fact that I’m not in flip flops is a win. Take it. Because I don’t give AF. And neither should you. Happy in the heart, not needing to impress anyone. When it comes to business, I am not much different. We either vibe, or we don’t. Either way, it’s all good.

Give it a try. Shot out shoes. I can’t imagine every going back to the ways as a young man.



Vance Larson

I am a retired crisis counselor of 20 years. I share my experiences {both personal and professional} about thought provoking subjects. Follow me.