The Last Real Gentlemen
Last night I witnessed a rare event. Wife and I were out, when I saw a man actually open the car door for his wife. I immediately walked over to him and said,” Opening the door is a lost art.” And he quickly agreed. I too, after all these years, still open the door for my wife. It’s not because she is not capable. I do it because I want to show her respect. That even the small things matter. The last real gentlemen are a dying breed.
The other day, a women friend of mine said that she would like to talk to the women I have dated in the past. I told her that they would probably say that I was generous. That I showered them with expensive gifts, and took my time with the physical aspects of the relationship. {I’m sure you would find one or two that may disagree with me.} But by and large, I was a pretty stand up guy. Far from perfect, but aware. I always tried to show respect.
I think many men {and women} today, are holding onto past relationship hurts. Thus, they don’t give their all when starting a new relationship. Out of fear, anger or the subconscious need to punish, they don’t go all in. I get it. But if that’s the case, maybe take a break and vibe alone for awhile. Figure that shit out. Or, at the very least, be up front about what you’re looking for. There is nothing wrong with Netflix and chill. Be safe, meet some temporary needs and then be gone. But please don’t start a relationship on a lie.
Seeing that man open the door for his wife touched me. I’m not sure when, or if I have ever seen that before. It’s not that it’s a big deal. And not doing it, doesn’t make your relationship any less valid. I’m just old school about certain things. Take your time with the physical and make sure both parities needs are met. Listen like you care…if you do. And fight for each others happiness at all cost. I may not be a dying breed, but I am a gentleman. And because I am, I have been blessed with 20 years of the most giving wife.