The Little Things
Cloudy day, candle lit, opera playing in the background and wind is blowing through my window. Ah…the little things. Sounds boring, right? May be. But there is peace in my world. And as I will turn 58 in a few days, peace is really all that I crave.
Do you know the saying act your age? I don’t know what that means. I have built a life on meditation. I’m Zen AF, but I’m also a bit of an adrenaline junkie. That is why I work in a field that deals with people who are experiencing the worst days of their lives. I’m the guy that runs to problems, while everyone else is running away. I’m in the gym 7 days a week before most people wake up. I don’t feel old. I feel peace.
Little things bring me peace. The look my wife gives me as I’m walking out the door. Befriending another stray animal. That perfect cup of coffee. Catching my favorite movie at the right time when I’m flipping the channel. Sure, it would be nice to hit the lottery. But the realization that the lottery is the simple things, that’s the real flex. Being without judgement and showing kindness. Dude, that’s some sexy, soul shattering thing that catapults us to next level contentment.
Not needing…the down size is the big prize. Having your loved ones under your roof. You may not be rich, but you have a couple of dollars in the bank. You may have some aches and pains, but you’re not in hospice. You may not own a home, but your not bunking in a homeless shelter. Find a reason to be happy. No matter how small it is.
There are tragic and bad things happening to people. And eventfully, one of them will happen to all of us. I have lived through far too much to not give thanks. Lost everything twice, yet here am, trying to spread a little love. Yes, there are things I want. And yes, there are things I want to do. But today…the candle is lit, opera is playing in the background and wind is blowing through my window. I don’t know how old that makes me. But I do know that these little things have made me a happy man today. And that is more than enough.