The Love That I Left
I’ve done some pretty amazing things in my life. I am well traveled, made a good living, and married the woman of my dreams. But do you know what I am going to remember…
Yesterday I went out for morning coffee. I like to start my days off with coffee, meditation, and a little water time. {I live in a beach town.} Before I left, I asked the wife if she minded if I gave all of our barista’s a tip. Without hesitation, she said she didn’t have a problem with that. So, with a pocket full of cash, I went to get my coffee.
Passing out cash like Santa Claus, I got to the last barista, handed her the cash and said Merry Christmas. She was new and we had only seen her a few times. Young, kind of shy, and I always went out of my way to joke with her. When I gave her the cash, she put her hand on her heart and said thank you. She then literally started to cry.
This is what I will remember when I die. Not what I did. But how I made people feel. My life has been remarkable. Hasn’t always been easy, but I appreciate it all. And during those trying times, I found that not focusing on my own stuff, was the key to getting over my stuff. Spending my entire life working in mental health, I can say that we all have stuff. We are all carrying something.
I do a lot for myself. Some would say I do more for everyone else. The truth is, it is all the same. Giving love to yourself, or another, it is love regardless. And it will spill onto others just the same. As for the barista with tears in her eyes. For whatever reason it had tears in her eyes, it put tears in my eyes. I immediately called my wife and told her what had happened. She had the same response as I did. And that is what I will take with me when I die. The love that I left.