The Other Side Of The Tracks
Let me paint the picture for you. I was in my late 20’s, working at the airport. Even though I was already successful in my private practice, I held onto that job, because I could fly anywhere in the world for free. But I digress. I was young, had money and was completely free. One day, I noticed a french woman there, and I made mention to a coworker that she was pretty. Little did I know, that they knew her. A few days went by and this french woman called about 9:00 one evening. I made the 45 minute drive to her house, and the rest was history.
We were clearly from opposite sides of the tracks. She was more reserved and proper. I was sporting dreadlocks and a free spirit. While the relationship started out good {don’t they all?}, it quickly became an uphill struggle. We fought over everything. She said black. I said white. For two years we lived together, and all but maybe the first few months were painful. Why?
Have you ever been in a relationship with a complete opposite? Don’t get me wrong, it is possible for opposites to have a loving relationship. But in this case, I wanted to be sexual, emotionally and spiritually free. She on the other hand, not so much. What could have been a beautiful relationship {at the bare minimum friendship}, ended in a scene out of a movie.
We just completed yet another argument, and I had to get out of town. I couldn’t take it anymore. We were so used to drawing our swords, we never took the time to set them down. So, I headed to the airport, and was waiting to fly across the country.
California was my safe place. I had a network out there that always received me with love. While I was waiting to board my flight, I saw her riding by {as she worked at the airport too}. It was a time that was so perfect, that I will never forget it. This attractive lady riding by, as the sun sets over her shoulders, I felt….absolutely nothing. How do you know when a relationship is over? Seeing, talking or thinking about that person no longer triggers any emotion. It’s simply indifference. I mean no thoughts of love, hate, jealousy or frustration. IT IS OVER.
If you still get triggered by your current relationship, there is probably something to be learned or to keep fighting for. But if you feel that indifference, it’s over. Can you get it back? I am sure it is possible, but think that is pretty much the exception to the rule. What I can tell you is with great emotion, comes great passion. With no emotion, comes no passion. And who wants to be in a relationship without passion?