What are you waiting for? They said they would change. They didn’t. The job said you would be getting a raise. Still waiting. And here you are. Holding on. And for what? This is a time for distance. All that was promised to you and they have not delivered, walk. In fact, run! Ah, the sweet sound on steps on the pavement. Know what that sounds like? Self respect. Get to stepping.
I am all for giving people a second chance. I often give people several chances. But know this. Results matter. All else is empty promises. Cut the cord. Kick them out. Leave that job. Whatever is holding you back, does not have your back. That’s on you. And there is no better time than now, to affirm that you will take care of you.
Think about it. What message are you sending to yourself by staying in an unsupportive environment? Not sure? Yes, you are. You’re sure, because you’re still reading. A new life begins with the sound of those footsteps. Will it be easy? Probably not. But it sure beats the bullshit that you have settled for. It’s time.
Only you know if leaving is the right decision. But you have to be honest with yourself. Stop making excuses for bad behavior. Anything less than mediocrity is a loss. And a big one at that. But I would suggest taking it a step further. Never settle for anything, or anyone that does not bring out the best in you.
So there it is. And if you’re still reading, maybe it’s time to put those feet on the pavement. Walk!