When Giving A Fuck, Fucking Hurts.
I have had many people come through my door depressed, angry and just plain tired. Their major complaint is that everyone comes to them for the answers. When you have a big heart and no boundaries, people are going to take advantage of you. That is what I like to call “When Giving A Fuck, Fucking Hurts”.
Somewhere along the line we bought into the ‘bullshit” that saying no makes you selfish. Here’s a reality check for you. It doesn’t. It makes you healthy. What’s the difference? The way you feel. The act of helping someone should not leave you feeling resentful or angry. You should feel at peace and joyful with the act of giving. Where so many of my clients get into trouble is their inability to set those boundaries. It is a must for self preservation. Saying no is an affirmation of self. And you’ll burn out and do little good if you’re tank is always empty.
Here’s a radical idea. Stand up for yourself like you would for the ones who are always asking for help. You don’t need to be mean about it. But, those who are always in need, are not learning the basic survival skills, let alone going to develop any confidence if you’re always bailing them out. You know the old saying “Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime” sort of thing. When we enable, we invalidate ourselves, and we deny the person we’re helping an opportunity to grow.
“It’s okay to say no and not feel guilty.”
I have always been into volunteering. Last count, I have logged over 15000 volunteer hours in my life. The biggest take away was there is always, always going to be another person to help. It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to say no and not feel guilty. And sometimes the best course of action is a simple prayer for someone.
I believe in the gift of giving. But not at the cost of my mental or physical health. Every great spiritual leader was grounded in this principle. They knew the value of self-care. Life is a balancing act of giving and receiving. So remember if giving fucking hurts. Maybe it’s time to not give a fuck. It doesn’t make you a bad person. And you can’t pour from a empty cup.