You’re The Problem

Vance Larson
3 min readMar 12, 2023


It’s been 48 hours. 48 mother fucking hours. And everything has gone wrong. That ever happen to you? Nothing life shattering. Just one thing after another that didn’t turn out the way you planned. Its been an uphill battle. Finally I took a deep breath and said, “ You’re the problem”….

Yeah it happens. Life will lay into to us from time to time. Lord knows I have been through my share. But I’m at a place in my life where I flow, not force. I’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of military folks in my life. Blessed to have worked with some special forces as well. And there is a saying. Work the problem. I took that on as a personal mantra years ago. Life changing…But the meditative man I am, realizes when movement can be counterproductive. And while I don’t back down from the day. I just become unattached to the outcome. Powerful.

We all have expectations. Meditation has led me to embrace the journey. In reality, there is very little we can control. But how we respond to life, that is where our power lies. Think about it. If you can control your mind, you can face anything. I have had to do some unthinkable things when I worked as a first responder. People panicking, environment unsafe and personal safety in jeopardy. And that’s where the beautiful blend of “work the problem” and “flow don’t force” come together. While I can’t control the moment, I can respond. And that’s the best I can do. In the moment, unattached to outcomes, and just doing the job. Now apply that to life…

There will be days, weeks and months when life is totally kicking you in your ass. Let go of outcomes. Because the longer we hold onto them, the harder the process {and day} will become. As for me and my 48, I realized that I was the problem. And as soon as I did that, there was no pressure. Sure things continued to not go my way. But I enjoyed what I could. I focused on what I had, and not what I wanted. And you know what? The time was going to pass either way. So I decided that I would do it with a calm mind.

My 48 seems to be over. I am safe. I am loved. And I have a life that is pretty amazing. In the big scheme of things, 48 is nothing. And this can be applied to the major events in your life as well. When I lost my daughter, you would have never known. Just recently, I lost my brother, father and aunt in a few months time span. Again, you would have never know. Why? Because you’re the problem. Our thinking dictates the quality of our lives. Lean into gratitude. Work the problem, but flow not force. And if you can do that, there is nothing {I mean nothing} that can stop you.



Vance Larson
Vance Larson

Written by Vance Larson

I am a retired crisis counselor of 20 years. I share my experiences {both personal and professional} about thought provoking subjects. Follow me.

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